How to Create your own Jungle Paradise

Jungle gardens are areas that are overgrown with tangled vegetation and dense forests. They are commonly found in the tropics owing to the abundance of sunlight, humidity, precipitation, and little or no significant variation/fluctuations in the external environmental weather conditions. They are very fair to behold besides conferring plenty of benefits to those who stay nearby or inhabit the areas wherein they grow.

How to create a Jungle Garden

Did you know that you too can create your own tropical jungle in your garden or back yard? Listed and explained below are some of the top jungle garden ideas to help you get started:

Plant Tropical Plants

Tropical plants generally grow luxuriously, have excess foliage, have excellent decorative values, and form good canopies. Even though they predominantly grow in the topics, quite a good number of them are also capable of doing well in temperate regions that are characterized by cooler temperatures, higher variations in external environmental conditions, and low humidity.

These include the Ferns, Hostas, Bromeliads, Wild ginger, Bamboo Cycads e.g. Sago palms, Palms, Begonias, Bananas, and Rhododendrons, to mention but a few. You may choose any of them for a start.

How to create a Jungle Garden

Plant Bright Flowers

You should consider planting bright flowers in your garden, in the front yard, in the back yard, and in other open spaces within your compound. Bright flowers have the tendency to liven the compound by enhancing the beauty and general aesthetics thereof. They also stimulate and support the growth and reproduction of insects by supplying them with nectar that is essential for their nutrition. Some of the flowers that you may consider planting are Apple Blossom, Azalea, Birds of Paradise, Begonia, Cherry blossom, and Calla Lily.

Erect Huts and other Relaxation Facilities

Huts and other relaxation facilities enhance the ambiance of a garden, especially when used to complement the flowers and other tropical plants. That’s because they simulate to a large extent the natural setting of most tropical rainforests. You should, therefore, consider erecting them, especially so if you have plenty of open space at your disposal. Be sure also to plant as many tropical plants and flowers in conjunction with them in order to fully create your jungle garden.

Invest in Appropriate Lighting

Excellent lighting has the impact of enhancing the ambiance of your garden at night or in moments of low visibility. You should thus consider installing perfect and relevant lighting to your garden. You should use as many different types of color lighting as possible. You should also opt for the decorative lights over and above the ordinary lights in order to maximize the potential benefits of such lighting. Once installed, be sure to switch on those lights that are relevant to your occasion/theme e.g. bright for parties and dim for parties and other occasions.

Dig a Pond

Ponds, when employed alongside tropical vegetation create a sense of nature at its best. That’s because ponds help reduce the temperature of the surrounding environment by way of producing cooler breeze beside offering excellent photography by way of reflecting light from the nearby plants/vegetation. You should, therefore, consider digging one more so if you have plenty of open space within your compound. You may also grow fish in the ponds if you like. You will thereafter have to make adequate arrangements to keep it free from mosquito infestation by proper maintenance.

Plant Clasping Plants at the Bases of Walls and Fences

Clasping plants are those who roots are capable of climbing walls and winding themselves on plants or hedges. They include pumpkins, apples, and passion fruits. When planted at the bases of walls and fences, they clasp their roots onto the walls or fences and in so doing, enhance the beauty of the environment besides forming a dense canopy that brings along other attendant benefits such as the provision of natural shades, and the minimization of the rates of evaporation.

Plant Plenty of Lawn or Grass

In those small spaces in between the various plants, you may consider planting grass or lawn as a filler. The lawns and grass become very green in the spring and summer months and hence confer added aesthetics and natural beauty. Be sure to mow them from time to time to mitigate the infestation of the compound by rodents and snakes.


Make sure that the pathways, walkways, terraces, and other routes within the home are designed in such a way as to be as beautiful and as visually appealing as possible. Either side of those walkways and pathways ought to be lined with bright flowers that should be regularly watered and pruned. You should also consider planting other non-tropical yet decorative trees e.g. cypress.

Construct a Waterfall or Fountain

Depending on the space availability, and also assuming that budget constraint is not an issue at all, you may also consider constructing a waterfall or a fountain. These two facilities help in improving the habitability of the external home environment by greatly reducing the temperature thereof besides enhancing the general beauty/aesthetics of the ambiance. They also enhance the growth of other flowers and plants such as water lilies, flowers, and other aquatic plants and animals.

Use Containers in Small Spaces

For those small and cramped spaces, you may consider using flower pots and other containers that are able to fit into them and enable the growth of flowers and other plants. Such containers may also be used along squeezed and narrow walkways, patios, and corridors. In case the spaces are too narrow to allow you to walk unhindered, you may also consider hanging such containers in order to save on space. Appropriate measures ought to be taken by you to see to it that those containers are painted periodically in order to ensure that they are as clean and as decently possible.

There indeed are much more other jungle garden ideas which, owing to the limitations of space, could not all be identified and expounded on completely. The onus is therefore on your part to select which one you feel is more likely to yield you the desired level of satisfaction. You may also consider carrying out further research independently to identify any more ways and means of achieving the same objective.